All our activities are subject to the “GENERAL CONDITIONS OF LOGISTICS”, which are generally applicable in Antwerp. These conditions are jointly published by BELOTRA (the logistics arm of FEBETRA) and K.V.B.G. and were registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Antwerp and Waasland on 27 November 2003.
For the sake of completeness we wish to remind you that these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF LOGISTICS provide that:
Orders exclusively for road transport, whether national or international road haulage, are subject to the mandatory provisions of the CMR CONVENTION, signed in Geneva on 19 May 1956, and taken up into Belgian law by the Law of 4 September 1962 (Belgian Official Gazette of 30 June 1999). Lighter transport is subject to the applicable Belgian legislation (the Law on River Chartering of 5 May 1936, Belgian Official Gazette of 10 June 1936) and the Budapest Convention on the Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Inland Waterways (CMNI) of 22 June 2001 (taken up into Belgian law by the Law of 29 June 2008, Belgian Official Gazette of 10 October 2008).
Orders exclusively for forwarding activities are subject to the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF FORWARDING IN BELGIUM 2005, published in the Appendices to the Belgian Official Gazette of 24 June 2005 under number 0090237, a full copy of which is enclosed for your convenience. All stevedoring and dockside activities are subject to the GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR GOODS HANDLING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES IN THE PORT OF ANTWERP, published by KVBG and ABAS and registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Antwerp on 26 March 2009, a full copy of wich is enclosed for your convenience.
In view of the constantly changing nature of the logistics environment, we also reserve the right when performing a transport order to choose, without prior consultation, freely among the various available transport modes: road, rail, water and air, where our liability is determined by the relevant applicable legislation and contractual conditions.
No departures whatsoever may be made from the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF LOGISTICS, unless such a departure is expressly accepted by us in writing and in advance.